I'm at the Farm Team debate at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, managed (with a bit of help from student volunteers) to access WiFi and will try to live blog this thing. Right now, it's about 1:50 pm, so 10 minutes to go until the debate begins. The room is filling up with media, politicos, students, etc. I talked to Joe Abbey, Steve Jarding and Mike Henry, all of whom seem to be a combination of psyched/nervous. My #1 question is whether this debate will stay positive/focused on the issues or will go more negative. We'll see soon enough...
Susan Platt (Farm Team) intro - we're starting a few minutes late because of parking. Lots of applause for the Farm Team. :) "We wouldn't be here without Mary Sue Terry." - standing ovation.
Karen Schultz: Thanks to William & Mary for use of Sadler Center. Thanks to students.
Platt welcomes families of candidates. Introduces Andrea Mitchell as moderator.
Mitchell - "I am the enforcer." "No stunts here today." Introduces candidates.
2:19 pm - Candidate enter room. Standing ovation.
Opening statements: Deeds first. "Noone is better prepared than me to lead us forward." Virginians hurting, unemployment way up, Bob McDonnell called for rejection of stimulus dollars - he just doesn't get it. Only one here who stood with Mark Warner and Tim Kaine for all 8 years. We've got to rebuild this economy. Standing up for middle class, working class families. Proud to have stayed in General Assembly this year. Can build consensus, opportunity, lead Virginia forward.
Terry McAuliffe: Commends Farm Team. Describes work he did at DNC on getting more women elected. Worked hard for Barack Obama in general election. Also fought for Hillary Clinton - 18 million cracks in glass ceiling. Today, we have worst economy since Great Depression, we need a governor who will grow our economy and bring new jobs in. I've done it in my life.
Brian Moran: Thanks Farm Team, William & Mary. These are serious times. This is not about Terry, Creigh or me, it's about Virginians out of work, children without healthare. We need a leader in these difficult times who will fight for them. I've been doing that for 20 years. Partnered with Mark Warner and Tim Kaine on education investment. Good ideas do come from Richmond leaders like Mark Warner and Tim Kaine. We need a leader who cares more about family dinner table than corporate boardroom. Our kids deserve the very best teachers. Energy, economy, protecting environment.
Question about economy. Deeds - nothing more important than to restore public confidence in economy. We've got to take dramatic steps to restore hope, opportunity to people. Cutting edge of job creation, energy-based research, energy technology. We can be the leader. Build smartest workforce in the world.
Moran - Expand unemployment benefits. We need a fighter in the governor's office. All people want is an opportunity to work. Connect the dots between clean energy and protecting the environment. Create thousands of green jobs.
McAuliffe - We need Democrat in governor's mansion and control House of Delegates. Got to have a business plan. I have very specific details of how to grow economy. I've done it, know how to do it. Green jobs. Will not take a check from Dominion Power. We need a Renewable Portfolio Standard. Stop building coal and transmission lines. Make Virginia #1 green jobs state in country. We need to be out front.
Question about raising gas tax.
Deeds - Need to restore prosperity, create jobs. There are things that will cost money. I'm the only one who's voted for real investment in transportation. Not wedded to any particular revenue source. I'll come up with means to pay for transportation. We are a Commonwealth, we're all in this together. I never sign no-tax pledges.
McAuliffe - In down economy, don't take more money out of people's pockets. We're going to have to have an honest conversation on revenues. I won't take a no-tax pledge, it's irresponsible to do that. Our roads are a hazard. We need high-speed rail, DC-Richmond. We can take 1.1 million cars off road.
[MAJOR WiFi problems, unfortunately...will try to update]
McAuliffe - If you want someone born in Virginia, Creigh Deeds is your man. (Kaine, Warner, Moran and I were all not born in Virginia)
McAuliffe - Raised a lot of money in Virginia and nationally, I've got a lot of friends.
Moran asked about Jim Moran's money, says those companies are defending Americans.
Moran - Supports ban on assault weapons. Close the gun show loophole. Guns and alcohol don't mix, no guns in bars.
Deeds - I'll seek endorsements from NRA or anyone willing to endorse me. "Beggars can't be choosers." Ban street sweeper. Close gun show loophole. I wrote the language, I put the bill out. The gun show loophole will be closed when I'm governor.
McAuliffe - We're all in agreement on assault weapon ban. Shouldn't be taking guns in bars. This is a very serious issue. There is not an ounce of daylight between us on this. We need to close gun show loophole. Bob McDonnell will keep it open, the three of us - whoever is governor - will shut it down.
Question on death penalty.
Deeds - No higher responsibility than to keep people safe. I have always supported the death penalty and will continue to do so. Should be reserved for most onerous of cases. One of most onerous responsibilities as governor. I support death penalty, t's important to keep people safe.
Moran - Very difficult issue. I didn't always support death penalty, growing up Catholic. Heinous crimes ultimately deserve death penalty. I'll have to answer to my god when I get there. Make sure criminal justice system is as fair as humanly possible. Eliminate 21-day rule. Worked to increase compensation for public defenders. Witness identification should be most accurate possible.
McAuliffe - All three of us in agreement on this issue. Do everything we can to make sure it's 100% correct decision. Commend Jim Webb on prison reform. We are building so many prisons, not so many classrooms. Lots of people would be better off in drug rehab, community mental illness facility. Lay everything out on the table.
Question on education.
Deeds - No more important investment than in young people. I went to public school system in Bath County. I'm committed to making sure that children all over Virginia have opportunity to succeed; no failing schools. Need universal early childhood education. We can't expect excellence if we're not willing to pay for average. We are 47th among 50 states if you take out NOVA in terms of teacher pay.
Moran - Creigh and I share that passion for public education. I have two great kids. We need to raise teacher salaries to national average. There is no more important person in school than the teacher. We need to promote lifelong learning.
McAuliffe - We have to grow economy to raise money for education. We should be bidding on every single job out there. My passion is for education. I was one of the main people on television against No Child Left Behind - unfunded mandate. Children are our treasures, future workforce. Pre-K is crucial. Let everybody have it. Put money into education more than into prisons.
Question on same sex marriage.
Deeds - I'm not sure it's a major issue for governors around the country, but it IS a major issue. I voted against the marriage amendment. It's not the correct policy. I grew up in fundamentalist background. I'm a work in progress, I change a little bit every day, hopefully a little bit better. Marriage is something the state shouldn't be involved with in the first place.
Moran - This is a difference Creigh and I have. Equality is a major reason I'm a Democrat. I'm the only one who stood up there and condemned Marshall-Newman amendment, campaigned against it. The rights of the minority are protected in our constitution. The constitution protects the minority - religious, right to assemble, right to vote, etc. To put discriminatory language in constitution is absolutely wrong. As governor, i will fight to repeal Marshall-Newman.
McAuliffe - Republicans have tried to use this as divisive wedge issue. I have always been for contractual rights. What do the citizens of Virginia want their governor fighting for. We need jobs. I want to focus on things I can change. Focus on job creation.
McAuliffe asks Moran a question "since I know you're so interested in me" - You voted for Wise County coal fired power plant. Were you wrong to do that. Moran - no. I'm against Surry plant. I'm for clean, renewable sources.
Deeds asks McAuliffe about Jim Moran and Brian Moran's fundraising. McAuliffe - wow. Bob McDonnell is going to have a lot of money. They can't believe Barack Obama won Virginia by 5 percentage points, that Virgil Goode and Thelma Drake lost. That's why I'm raising the grassroots campaign I'm raising. You should refer that question to U.S. attorney's office.
Moran asks McAuliffe about his businesses in northern Virginia. McAuliffe - you are a lawyer, aren't you? Noone questions that I've started businesses. That's why I've been able to spend the last few years as a full-time volunteer for Democratic Party.
McAuliffe - Thanks Farm Team. We need more women in office. This is democracy in action. I will not say a negative word about a fellow Dem., and I've honored my word. I've got specific detailed plans. We need a governor like Mark Warner and Tim Kaine. Get rid of payday lending. We need to do things differently. Get econ. engine of Virginia moving again. Alternative energy, high-speed rail, big ideas. I've been a fighter on the issues, on education, on health care. I want every child to have the same opportunity that Terry McAuliffe had. I will fight for you every single day for you, I will bust down the walls to help you.
Deeds - Thanks Farm Team, audience. Bob McDonnell is clearly outside the mainstream on stem cell research, abortion, etc. All that progress the past 8 years, hope for future, won't be defended simply by beating Bob McDonnell. We won't be party of middle class if we're the party of Donald Trump or defense interests. We will have lost our way if we let corrupt political establishment control our way the next four years. I understand everyday families. My plans are based on commonsense, creating hope, jobs. I will be on your side every day.
Moran - Thanks Farm Team. We all share responsibility to make world a better place. Public service is not about the politician. It's about all of you. Alicia's Law. Textile workers in Martinsville. Wise County remote medical care. Minimum wage worker. They need someone to fight for them. Must have experience, vision, courage and commitment to fight to get the right thing done.