
Sunday, April 5, 2009

"Aznew" Nails It

As usual, Creigh Deeds' supporter "Aznew" (aka, Alan Zimmerman) explains the situation a lot better than I ever could. In short, Aznew writes:
With his latest Snafu, Brian Moran has shown, again, that based on the campaign he has run so far, he is arguably not ready to be the Democratic nominee for Governor.


...Given the case Moran made against McAuliffe, it is fair to conclude that any Democrat who associated with Rogers in this way ought to be subject to the same exact critique. If McAuliffe benefiting form a Rogers/BGR fundraiser is “offensive,” then isn’t any Democrat’s similar kind association with Rogers and BGR similarly “offensive?”

Say, for example, and, hey, I know this would never happen, but what if Rogers and BGR held a fundraiser for, oh, I don’t know, Mark Warner, well, we’d all have to reconsider our support … what…uh-oh … your kidding, right?

Unfortunately for Brian Moran, it’s no joke.

What's amazing is that the Moran people not only don't seem to believe this (by logical extension attacking Mark Warner, the most popular politician in Virginia!) is a problem for them, from what I've seen this morning, they appear to be doubling down on their bet on this issue. Well, I guess those guys are getting paid big bucks for a reason. At the least, I hope for Brian Moran's sake that he's getting his money's worth. We'll see, but personally I'd put my money on "Aznew" any day.