
Monday, March 23, 2009

Will Virginia Progressive Blogs Pick an LG Candidate?

The Virginia progressive blogosphere has been busy choosing up sides in the Democratic gubernatorial primary, but so far, I haven't seen too much of that at all in the LG race. Wih Teacherken's endorsement of Mike Signer this morning, could that be starting to change? My guess is that it won't change much, at least until Mike Signer, Jon Bowerbank, or Pat Edmonson demonstrates that they pose a credible threat to front-runner Jody Wagner's candidacy. If not, the relative lack of interest in the office of LG will probably mean little coverage of the race between Wagner, Signer, Jon Bowerbank and Pat Edmonson.

It's too bad, because I believe the LG's office can be more than it's been in recent years. Also, LG was a stepping stone for Tim Kaine to the governor's mansion, and that could certainly happen again. The point is, in picking our LG nominee, we may be picking our next gubernatorial nominee as well. For that reason alone, we should care, at least a little bit.

By the way, if I had to handicap this race right now, I'd say that Jody Wagner has about a 65% chance of winning (maybe even a bit higher), with Mike Signer at about 25% (and gaining?) and the other two candidates with a combined 10% chance. What do you think?