
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Why Not Just Make Rush RNC Chairman for Life?

Well, it looks like no matter how much Michael Steele grovels to Rush and claims he never said it, never meant it, blah blah blah, the Republican "base" won't be satisfied. Check this out.
Michael Steele should resign as Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman, according to a committee member from North Carolina.

In an e-mail to fellow RNC members obtained by The Hill, Dr. Ada Fisher, North Carolina's national committeewoman, said Steele is "eroding confidence" in the GOP and that members of his transition team should encourage him to step aside. Fisher added Steele's personal e-mail address to the e-mail.

"I don't want to hear anymore [sic] language trying to be cool about the bling in the stimulus package or appealing to D.L. Hughley and blacks in a way that isn't going to win us any votes and makes us frankly appear to many blacks as quite foolish," Fisher wrote.

So, here's a friendly (well, not actually) suggestion to the Republicans: ditch Steele and appoint Rush RNC Chair for Life! While you guys are at it, make him - as Steve Martin once joked - "master all being of time, space and dimension." Then, sit back, relax, listen to Rush, and watch your party go down the tubes prosper! Seriously, it would work out so well to have the face of your party be an angry, snarling, recovered drug addict. C'mon, Republicans, you know you want to! :)