
Thursday, March 5, 2009

" Where are the women candidates in the 47th District election?"

I just received this and thought it was worth passing along, especially since a respected figure like Arlington School Board official Libby Garvey is moderating the event.
Saturday, March 14, 4-6pm

Where are the women candidates in the 47th District election?

Get Women Elected Now (GWEN) and the Farm Team are hosting a conversation on why there are no women running in the 47 th District race, the state of women in politics in northern Virginia, and what we should do about it (if anything). It will be held at the Hotel Palomar, 1121 N. 19th Street, Arlington, VAThe event will be moderated by Libby Garvey, Arlington County School Board member, and feature special guest Erin Cutraro, Women's Campaign Forum. For more information and to RSVP, please email
In general, I think that the question, "why there are no women running in the 47th District race," is a legitimate one. More broadly, I definitely think it's worth asking why there are so few women elected officials in Virginia (15 out of 100 in the House of Delegates, if my count is correct; 8 out of 40 in the State Senate; none in the U.S. Congressional delegation). Last I checked, women made up more than half the population of Virginia, so why aren't half of our representatives women?

UPDATE: Arlington's county board has two women (Barbara Favola, Mary Hynes) out of five members. Arlington's Senators are both women (Patsy Ticer, Mary Margaret Whipple). Arlington's school board has four female members out of five. Arlington's Sheriff is a woman (Beth Arthur), as is its Commissoner of Revenue (Ingrid Morroy). In short, Arlington's electing plenty of talented women to office. Also, it's worth noting that neighboring Fairfax now has a woman (Sharon Bulova) in charge of its board of supervisors.