
Monday, March 23, 2009

Virgil Goode for President?

This would be totally awesome!
An email was just sent out reporting upon the speakers at the next Constitution Party National Committee meeting, to be held in Newark, New Jersey on June 11-13th. Amongst the many speakers are former US Representative from Virginia, Virgil Goode...

Virgil Goode is of particular interest for several reasons. He filed paperwork last week to seek a rematch against Rep. Tom Perillo as a Republican. However, Goode has a history of being trans-partisan; He started his congressional career as a Democrat, became an Independent in 2000, and then joined the Republican Party. He is also rumored to be a prospective candidate for the Constitution Party’s presidential nomination in 2012.
Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease let it be so!

h/t: John Cosgriff