
Monday, March 16, 2009

Time for a Major Gut Check by Moran and His Supporters

Yes, I know politics is a rough business. And yes, I know you've got to have a thick skin and all that. But I'm sorry, what the Brian Moran campaign has done here, leaking PRIVATE emails in order to embarrass and potentially harm the livelihood of my friend Josh Chernila - one of the best progressive, Democratic activists in Virginia if not the country - is completely beyond the pale. Aside from potentially harming Josh's livelihood, they also potentially harm Josh's young son in the process. This is unethical. This is immoral. This is disgusting. This is unacceptable.

Sadly, I'm not surprised at this behavior. Over the past few weeks, what we've seen here in Virginia is two positive gubernatorial campaigns - Creigh Deeds' and Terry McAuliffe's - and one that's been almost unremittingly nasty, negative, and ad hominem. It's one thing when it's against the other candidates (which it has been), but in recent weeks the Moran campaign (and its supporters, who the Moran campaign has failed to rein in and has even encouraged by recommending their blog diaries and inviting them to dinner!) has turned in desperation to attacking grassroots supporters of the other candidates, simply for the horrible crime of NOT SUPPORTING BRIAN MORAN (or the even greater crime of - gasp! - supporting the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee).

Whatever that is, it's not right, and it's not democracy. As a result of this behavior, I am demanding today that Brian Moran completely shake up his campaign, change its direction, fire the staffer(s) who leaked Josh's emails, and generally do a serious "gut check" on how he's allowed his campaign to stray so far from his progressive principles and ethical nature. I'm also urging that, unless and until this change in direction and accountability occurs, that no Democrat endorse the Moran for Governor campaign. I would further urge that any Democrat who already HAS endorsed the Moran for Governor campaign seriously consider withdrawing their endorsement.

By the way, as someone who has liked and admired Brian Moran for years, I take zero pleasure in saying any of this. However, I am going to stand with my friend, with the grassroots, and against these smear tactics any day of the week. As Josh Chernila writes at Blue Commonwealth "I think it's pretty unconscionable that the campaign would leak some personal emails, but again, this is the kind of lowball stuff we've seen coming out of Brian's message-less campaign." Myself, I never thought I'd put the words "lowball" and "Brian Moran" together in any conceivable way, shape or form. I am truly stunned it has come to this, and I would urge anyone with influence on Moran - Tim Kaine? Jim Webb? Mark Warner? - to intervene immediately.

P.S. Just for the record, I am not currently working for any candidate (don't believe me? look it up, call the campaigns, whatever), although I have endorsed Terry McAuliffe and would be honored to work for him in the future (either in the primary or general election). In fact, after the events of the past few days, I am more determined than ever to elect Terry McAuliffe governor and will work as hard as I can - whether as an unpaid, netroots activist as I am now (and have been) or as a paid staffer - to make that happen.