
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This Should Be Amusing

I can just picture the scene when, as the Washington Post reports, "Democratic candidates for governor Brian Moran and Terry McAuliffe...stop in Richmond today to turn in the signatures needed to be on the primary ballot June 9." Here's what COULD happen.

Brian and Terry arrive simultaneously, bolt out of their cars, sprint to the state Board of Elections office, arrive at exactly the same time.

Brian: Hey, you carpetbagger, I was here first - get outta my way!

Terry: Hey, brother, I'll never say anything bad about another Democrat, but if you don't let me hand in my petitions first, I'll start do my "Brian Moran Boston Accent" imitation and you won't like it one bit!

Brian: Speaking of brothers, I'll have mine come and beat you up!

Terry: Yeah, I'm really scared. Hey listen pal, I'll sic the "Big Dog" on you - my "blood brother" Bill Clinton, that is.

Brian: OK, enough of this, I'm the "real Virginian" here, I'm handing my petitions in first!

Terry: Hold on there, now, buckaroo, I've raised five kids in Virginia, so I've got you beat. I'm going first!

Brian: Well, I'm the youngest of seven children, so...

[Meanwhile, the State Board of Elections office has called the police, who come and arrest both candidates for disturbing the peace. Creigh Deeds celebrates, as he will now be the Democratic nominee for governor in 2009. Go Creigh! :)]