
Monday, March 23, 2009

Terry McAuliffe's Positive Message is Making a Difference

Crossposted at Blue Commonwealth

A while back, a friend of mine who worked on Barack Obama's campaign gave me a lecture about working for Terry McAuliffe when I asked if he would support Terry. My friend said that Terry McAuliffe wasn't the Democratic candidate we needed this year. He said he was for "anyone but Terry". Well, I saw my friend the other day, and he told me he had been researching the candidates. I asked him again if he would consider voting for Terry, and this is what he said:
McAuliffe is the only one out there who seems to have any idea what's going on. I don't know that I'll vote for him or Deeds yet, but I'm not going to vote for Brian Moran. I don't know much about Deeds, but I can't imagine he's going to win. Terry McAuliffe is the best hope for the Democrats to win the year." That's as close to verbatim as I can recall.
My friend specifically pointed out Terry McAuliffe's green energy policies and positive campaign style. I can say that I am proud to be a McAuliffe supporter for the same reasons, and many more.