
Monday, March 2, 2009

Should Be an Interesting Meeting Wednesday in Arlington!

Wednesday evening's Arlington County Democratic Committee (ACDC) meeting should be an interesting one. Gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds will speak for 5 minutes (Terry McAuliffe and Brian Moran spoke at last month's meeting). Lieutenant Governor candidates Pat Edmonson and Jody Wagner will speak for 3 minutes each (Jon Bowerbank and Mike Signer spoke at last month's meeting, not sure about Rich Savage). Finally, Attorney General candidate Steve Shannon will address the committee.

Aside from the ever-fascinating candidate speeches, there will also be a vote to approve a primary as the method of choosing the Democratic nominee in the 47th House of Delegates district. ACDC chairman Peter Rousellot also writes that "there might even be a surprise or two by the time we get to Wednesday night." I presume that may have to do with the 47th House of Delegates race, where 5 candidates (Miles Grant, Patrick Hope, Alan Howze, Adam Parkhomenko, and Andres Tobar) are already filed, with at least one more (Alfonso Lopez) reportedly close to deciding whether to throw his hat in the ring. Stay tuned!

UPDATE: Adam Parkhomenko is announcing a big endorsement this morning - State Senator Patsy Ticer (D-30). Also, Patrick Hope was endorsed by Arlington School Board member Elaine Furlow.