Race Baiting to Make His PointIn response, Cook says "There was absolutely nothing racist about it and I would take great offense to that suggestion." Hey, John, maybe you should have thought about that BEFORE you made the offensive comments about Fairfax County being like the South Side of Chicago?
At 16:00 in the video, Cook goes after boarding houses calling them a “moral outrage,” and says “I’m coming after you with everything I’ve got and we’re going to SHUT YOU DOWN.” He then says “I pledge to bring that same problem solving spirit to the countywide issues we face.” No question that boarding houses are bad and no one wants them in their neighborhood. However, demonizing them with law and order demagoguery was Corey Stewart’s favorite tactic until he destroyed Prince William County’s reputation with his race baiting bombast. Illegal boarding houses a problem when they happen, but they are not the biggest or even one of the biggest problems facing the County right now. Singling this specific issue out in a swearing in speech is anything but non-ideological and is Corey Stewart code language to the Republican base.
Speaking of race baiting… At 19:00 in the video, he said he was from Chicago and that he’d go to meetings around Braddock and that when affordable housing would come up, people would say “I’m from Chicago and I’d say Cabrini Green and they’d say yup.” He then goes on to say that this project was “a shooting gallery, drug infested, magnet for every ill that can come to a family, a horrible place to put people to live. . . and we do not need to bring that kind of blight to Fairfax County.”
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Scott Surovell Accuses John Cook of "Race Baiting"
Fairfax County Democratic Committee Chair Scott Surovell takes on newly elected Fairfax County Board of Supervisors member John Cook.