
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Jeff Frederick: Resist the Pressure!

I see that Jeff Frederick is being "pressured to resign as RPV chair."
Several independent Republican sources confirm to Bearing Drift that members of the executive committee of the Republican Party of Virginia have approached Chairman Jeff Frederick to resign within 30 days.


State central members say that asking Frederick to resign is not due to any political disagreements, but that poor fundraising, the loss of three congressional seats and the US Senate last November, and his preference to use a technology firm which he has a personal interest in have caused the loss of confidence.
As a Democrat, I can only hope that the executive committee members fail and that Jeff Frederick stays on indefinitely. The guy is perfect for us: polarizing, inept, extreme, nasty, and...well, let's just say "not a rocket scientist." (also, jsut look at that face; who wouldn't love that?!?)

Perhaps we Democrats should start a "Save Jeff Frederick as RVP Chair" movement? Seriously, it's tempting.

UPDATE: Prince William County Democratic Committee chair Pete Frisbie Tweets, "Looks like Frederick is out as RPV Chair, will he run for re-election now?"