
Sunday, March 22, 2009

It Sure Used to Be Great Being a "Fundraiser"

Wow, for someone who now brags about how he's (supposedly) a "fighter" but - god forbid - "not a fundraiser," Brian Moran sure was touting how much money he could raise when it was just Creigh Deeds and him in the race last summer. I mean, just look at that subtitle, about how Brian Moran "Solidifies Dominant Fundraising Position" over Creigh Deeds. As if that's not enough, the Moran campaign sent out an email on July 15, 2008 which bragged that Brian had even topped Tim Kaine in money raised!
Moran’s fundraising exceeds the amount raised by then-Lieutenant Governor Tim Kaine and then-Attorney General Jerry Kilgore during the first half of 2004, the most recent comparable fundraising period. Moran’s $1.38 million sets Virginia’s record for candidates without a previous statewide campaign.
Just to be clear, I believe that Democrats need BOTH a "fighter" AND a "fundraiser" to take on Bob McDonnell. So, I don't in the least bit begrudge Brian Moran's terrific fundraising prowess or criticize his decision to brag about it. What's puzzling is how it could have been so great to be a fundraiser when it was just Brian and Creigh in the race, but how it's suddenly NOT great to be a fundraiser - in fact it's terrible! - now that Terry McAuliffe is in the picture. Could it just possibly be that it's not great anymore - from Brian Moran's perspective, that is - because the Moran campaign knows that Terry McAuliffe is a far more effective fundraiser than Brian is? Nah, it couldn't POSSIBLY be that simple. Ha. :)

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