
Monday, March 9, 2009

Gov. Kaine Signs Smoking Ban Into Law

The following press release from the DPVA demonstrates the clear differences between Democratic leadership and Republican obstructionism, even on issues that have overwhelming public support, health benefits, etc. Is that really what it means to be a "conservative," kneejerk opposition to every bit of progress in our society? Lame.
"Today, Governor Kaine has led Virginia forward with a bill that will protect the health of children and restaurant workers across Virginia. Governor Kaine and legislative leaders of both parties deserve credit for working to reach a bipartisan compromise.

"Today's accomplishment shows what can happen when Virginia leaders are willing to reach across the aisle to solve problems. Due to Governor Kaine's leadership, the bipartisan smoking bill passed the Republican-controlled House of Delegates by a 60-39 margin.

"When it comes to protecting the health of Virginians, the difference between Democrats and Bob McDonnell is like night and day. All three Democratic candidates for Governor stood with Virginians in support of this common-sense legislation. But Bob McDonnell chose special interests over the health of Virginians.

"Now that the smoke has cleared, Virginians see the stark difference: All three Democratic candidates stood up for Virginia families, while Bob McDonnell stood in the way."

P.S. Audio of McDonnell's comments on the smoking ban (2/6/09, WHAN-AM) is available at: