Sunday, March 1, 2009
Eric Cantor Claims No Republican Wants Obama to Fail
See 3:43 of the video (from this morning's "This Week"), where Eric Cantor claims that "nobody - no Republican, no Democrat - wants this president to fail, nor do they want this country to fail or the economy to fail." Hmmmm...did Cantor miss the CPAC convention? Did he miss Rush Limbaugh's comments about hoping Obama fails? Later in the video (7:47), George Stephanopoulos asks Cantor about Limbaugh, and Cantor says - incredibly - "I don’t think anyone wants anything to fail right now....What we need to do is put forth solutions to the problems that real families are facing today." Uh, Eric? You might want to tell that to Rush Limbaugh, his millions of "dittoheads," the CPAP crazies, etc. Good luck! :)