
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Definitely NOT Shocking News from the Palin Family

This is about the LEAST shocking news I've heard in a long time.
Sarah Palin's 18-year-old daughter Bristol has reportedly broken off her engagement with Levi Johnston, the father of her 2-month-old son Tripp...


...Levi's sister Mercede Johnston says Bristol actually broke up with Levi more than a month ago, is not attending school and rarely lets her baby daddy see their young son. Mercede also says Bristol even told him that she hates him and, when she learned she was pregnant, wished the baby wasn't his.

Mercede told Star: "Bristol's just crazy. That's the nicest way I can put it. She and Levi actually broke up a while ago!"

Apparently, Levi is also far from being a hands-on dad. Said Mercede: "Levi tries to visit Tripp every single day, but Bristol makes it nearly impossible for him. She tells him he can't take the baby to our house because she doesn't want him around 'white trash.' She treats him so badly!"
Sweet, huh? Particularly the "white trash" comment by Bristol - classy!! As one commenter at Wonkette writes, I'm sure with no snark at all, "Never saw THAT coming!" Personally, I'm more surprised Levi quit his hockey team. :) In all seriousness, though, can you imagine if Sarah Palin were VP right now, what a fiasco that would be on so many levels? Shudddddder.

P.S. I could make snarky comments all day about "Republican family values," "abstinence only" and all, but it would be so unoriginal and I've got to vacuum or something. Ha.