
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Cantor Taking Cash From Firms Bailed Out by Taxpayers

Ah, Republican values in action once again:
Rep. Eric I. Cantor, R-7th, the No. 2 Republican in the House of Representatives, is receiving campaign contributions from political action committees controlled by companies receiving federal bailout money.

NBC News and Newsweek have reported that in January and February, Cantor campaign committees accepted $2,500 from Citigroup, $5,000 from Bank of America, $1,500 from Chrysler and $2,500 from American Express.

Citigroup received $25 billion in bailout money under the Troubled Assets Relief Program. Bank of America received $15 billion, American Express $3.4 billion and Chrysler $5.5 billion.

Cantor supported the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program last September...
I mean, it's one thing to have received money from these companies BEFORE they were bailed out by taxpayers (aka, all of us). But Cantor received money from Citigroup, Bank of America, Chrysler and American Express in January and February of THIS year. I believe that's known as "everything we hate about Washington in a nutshell." Good job, Congressman Cantor!

P.S. Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe has said he will NOT take money from companies receiving taxpayer bailout (TARP) money. Not sure about the other candidates...