
Friday, March 6, 2009

Bill Bolling Opposed Creating or Saving 93,000 Virginia Jobs

Good question by Democratic LG candidate Jon Bowerbank: "where's Bill Bolling on the stimulus package?"
This past weekend, using funds from the federal stimulus package the Virginia legislature reached a bipartisan agreement to balance the state budget. Without that aid, over $1.5 billion in additional cuts would have been made to the state budget. In fact, in total Virginia is going to receive $4.6 billion from the stimulus package holding an economic impact expected to create or save over 93,000 jobs.

But, where's Bill Bolling on the stimulus package?

Bill Bolling Opposed Funding that would create or save 93,000 Virginia jobs.

Bill Bolling has opposed the federal stimulus package every step of the way. He would rather play partisan politics with Virginia's future than work to stabilize Virginia's economy. That's not the kind of leadership Virginians deserve.
No, it's most certainly NOT the kind of leadership Virginians need, not if we prefer jobs as opposed to the rigid, right-wing ideology of Bill Bolling. Tough choice, eh?