
Thursday, March 19, 2009

47th House of Delegates Candidates on I-66 Widening

In light of yesterday's vote to proceed with widening I-66 inside the Beltway, here are the positions of candidates for retiring Delegate Al Eisenberg's seat in the 47th House of Delegates district (Arlington).

Miles Grant
"We can’t pave our way out of our transportation problems. It’s disgraceful that Metro has to begging for funds while expensive I-66 widening is continuously being forced on Arlington by VDOT. We need to invest in alternatives – from Metro to ease urban congestion to high-speed intercity rail to lighten the load on highways. That includes the Silver Line to Dulles with a tunnel through Tysons Corner, a trolley up Columbia Pike to the Pentagon, and developing a long-term transit plan for Lee Highway. Additionally, we should promote alternatives like biking, carpooling, teleworking and four-day work weeks."

Alan Howze
"I oppose widening I-66 inside the beltway, and I was disappointed by yesterday's National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board vote. Adding more lanes to I-66 is not the answer and a piecemeal approach will not alleviate our traffic problems. Yesterday's decision is another example of why we need to return the House of Delegates to Democratic control, so that we can finally move forward with a long overdue comprehensive transportation solution that expands mass transit, provides real traffic relief, and helps get our economy moving again.

Rather than widening I-66, we need to expand both the capacity and the reach of our mass transit system (to include Metro and bus) and alternative transportation modes such as bike commuting and walking. I have been going door to door in neighborhoods close to I-66, and I have heard overwhelming opposition to widening I-66, not only because it will not relieve congestion, but because it will adversely affect the quality of life for residents in these areas. We were made a promise that I-66 would not be widened, and that promise should be kept. The effects of land-use decisions made by our western neighbors that have created car dependent communities should not be borne by Arlington residents in the form of more pollution, more noise and more traffic."

Adam Parkhomenko
"I do not support widening I-66 and I think it’s a sad day when we have that conversation before we even know what a 66 looks like with a working Metro system and rail to Dulles."

Patrick Hope
"Thanks for seeking my views. Spot widening of I-66 has been an important issue for Arlingtonians for some time. In my view, yesterday's National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board action takes an unfortunate step in the wrong direction and breaks a long-held understanding with Arlington. These so-called “improvements” will simply move the bottlenecks around and ultimately make congestion worse. I strongly believe that transportation funds should increasingly be redirected away from highways to transit, pedestrian, and bike-oriented solutions. Efficiently and sustainably moving people not cars ought to be our goal. When elected, I'll fight vigorously for this goal."

P.S. I've asked the other Democratic, 47th District House of Delegates candidate, Andres Tobar, for his stance on I-66 widening. I will post it if/when I receive it.