
Saturday, February 21, 2009

"We are not grabbing power. It's about good government."

The quote of the day comes from Sen. Kenneth Stolle (R-Virginia Beach), courtesy of this morning's Washington Post article, "Va. Senate Democrats' Edge Little Comfort."
Sen. Kenneth W. Stolle (R-Virginia Beach), a close ally of Norment's, said Republican leaders have never directly asked [Ralph] Northam or another senator to switch parties. But other GOP sources say the offer has been floating for months.

"We are trying to get some balance,'' Stolle said. "We are not grabbing power. It's about good government."
Uh huh, Virginia Republicans are all about "balance" and "good government." That's why the conservative Richmond Times Dispatch editorial board just blasted them for "kill[ing] a bill to create a bipartisan redistricting commission":
Four Republicans on the committee killed the bill: John Cosgrove, Chris Jones, Steven Landes, and Jeff Frederick -- who also is chairman of the state GOP. They killed the measure either to deny its Democratic sponsor, Creigh Deeds, a bullet-point in his gubernatorial brochures, or because they're gambling the Republican Party can draw the lines after the next Census.

Either way, for the sake of petty partisan gain they stuck a knife in representative democracy's back.
"Good government" or "a knife in representative democracy's back?" We blog, you decide. :)