...This time it is Republicans railing against tax breaks and investing in the private sector.Let's repeat: Virginia House Republicans "dislike Democrats and anything green more than they dislike taxes and love corporate assistance." I'd change that last part to "love corporate welfare," but other than that, this is a perfect summary of Virginia House of Delegates "conservatism," circa 2009, as practiced by the Jeff Fredericks of the world. Why would anyone support a party like this? Yes, that was a rhetorical question. :)
That's right; the party that thinks tax cuts fix every problem, the one that loves to hand out money to corporations, has all but killed these bills.
Why? Because House Republicans apparently dislike Democrats and anything green more than they dislike taxes and love corporate assistance.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Virginia House Republicans: "Putting politics ahead of jobs"
The Roanoke Times hits it out of the ballpark this morning with its editorial, "Putting politics ahead of jobs" (subtitle: "Republicans in the House of Delegates care more about denying Democrats a victory than boosting the state's economy.") The entire editorial is worth reading, but here's one of my favorite parts: