
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Update from Stanford, Berkeley Trip

Nate Wilcox and I are out in California right now, talking about our book, Netroots Rising, and about the role of blogs and new media in political campaigns more broadly. It's been interesting so far; yesterday, there was a crowd of around 60 Stanford students and professors crammed into a conference room to watch our spiel. Later today, we will guest lecture a class at Stanford and then give our presentation at Berkeley. Tomorrow morning, we fly back to Virginia and the wilds of netroots campaigning there.

Meanwhile, I see that the House of Delegates Republicans are at it again, doing their level best to ensure that as few people as possible have the right to vote in Virginia. They must be so proud of themselves to carry on this relic of Jim Crow, preventing the restoration of voting rights to NON-VIOLENT felons who have SERVED THEIR TIME and PAID THEIR DEBT TO SOCIETY. Sorry for the ALL CAPS, but this really pisses me off if you didn't notice. Grrrr.

In other news, how low can stock markets go?!? Scary stuff.