
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Southern Political Report: VA Governor's Race "a jump ball"

I'm catching up on a gazillion emails and news stories after my highly successful California trip, and just wanted to point out this analysis of the Virginia Democratic gubernatorial primary by Hastings Wyman of the Southern Political Report. After running through each candidate's strengths and weaknesses, the article concludes with a quote by the ubiquitous UVA Professor/pundit Larry Sabato: "I think it’s a jump ball." I actually don't think it's a pure "jump ball," but tend to agree with Hastings Wyman that "McAuliffe and Moran look like the top two right now," with Deeds "third in this close race" but nobody "count[ing] him out." Should be a fascinating next few months here in Virginia!

UPDATE: It looks like most Virginia Republican leaders believe that Terry McAuliffe would be the toughest opponent for Bob McDonnell this November. The #1 reason: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.