
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ranking the Comedians...Er, Gubernatorial Candidates

My ranking from funniest to least funny:

1. Terry McAuliffe - He was the funniest of the four by FAR! Whatever else you might think of him, Terry is hilarious, self-deprecating, and a natural comedian (they key being, as Steve Martin once joked, "ti-ming!"); I was "ROFLOL" at several of his jokes (the ones about journalism, Larry Sabato, being an "errand boy" for the Clintons...)
2. Bob McDonnell - There's nothing amusing about this guy's Pat Robertson right-wing beliefs, and I agree with Brian Moran that we need to "beat him like a drum," but he's actually kinda funny (who knew?!?). But hey, Bob, how come no sodomy jokes? Perhaps you "couldn't recall" any? Heh. :)
4a. Brian Moran - You're a great guy, Brian, but stick to your day job (that would be... running for governor, I believe - lol)
4b. Creigh Deeds - Terry McAuliffe was funnier about your handcuffs than YOU were about your handcuffs. I guess Creigh just has a...bad pun alert..."restrained" sense of humor. Heh.