
Monday, February 16, 2009

My Not-So-Profound Explanation of Why Wolf Wins

From the Winchester Star, here's my not-so-profound explanation of why Frank Wolf keeps winning.
“People just like him, even though he overwhelmingly voted with Bush. This district just likes him,” said Lowell Feld, a former consultant to the 2008 Feder campaign and creator of the recently defunct Virginia Democratic blog Raising Kaine.

Wolf’s popularity was enough to overcome a YouTube video in which one of his supporters hits a heckler with a cane outside the Best Western Lee-Jackson in Winchester after an Oct. 24 campaign forum.

“He even had a ‘macaca’ moment and it didn’t really affect him,” said Feld, referring to a 2006 incident when then-Sen. George Allen, R-Va., was videotaped using what was widely interpreted as a racist insult. The incident has been blamed for derailing Allen’s Senate campaign and any possible run for president.

One reason Wolf has been able to shake off such embarrassing moments and earn votes from voters of both parties is that he isn’t perceived as a hard-line Republican.

“People still think he’s a moderate for some reason,” Feld said.
It's very frustrating, but I'm not sure how we convince 10th CD voters that Frank Wolf is NOT - repeat, NOT! - a moderate. I mean, just watch the YouTube video! Sigh...