House Republican Record of AccomplishmentPlease see the comments section for the gory details...
~House Republicans Prove They Can Do Something Well - Kill Commonsense Bills~
Richmond, VA - Today the House Democratic Caucus released a list of bills introduced by Democratic members that failed to pass the Republican-controlled House during the 2009 legislative session. Many of the listed bills were not passed out of committee and some received no hearing at all. It is the prerogative of Committee Chairmen to decide which bills the committee considers and which go unheard.
"The Republican majority in the House of Delegates reminds me of a black hole," said Democratic Caucus Chair Ken Plum, "Good bills go in, but they don't come out. This session Delegates from both parties have introduced a number of bills aimed at improving the lives of Virginians. Unfortunately, for the legislators with a 'D' next to their name, even the best bills seem to enter the "Party of No" black hole, never to be seen again.
"As we begin the second half of the 2009 session, Democrats are going to continue to work for results for Virginia. I look forward to working with members of both caucuses to solve the problems we face as a Commonwealth, and I urge my Republican colleagues to put politics aside and work across the aisle to keep Virginia moving forward."
Below is a partial list of bills, grouped by category, proposed by members of the House Democratic Caucus that failed to pass the House:
Friday, February 13, 2009
House Republican Record of Accomplishment! (not)
Courtesy of the Virginia House Democratic Caucus, I think this is spot on. The Republican-controlled House of Delegates truly is, as Ken Plum says, "a black hole" where "good bills go in, but they don't come out." Sort of like a roach motel ("they check in but they don't check out")?