
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Deeds, McAuliffe, and Moran on the Housing Foreclosure Crisis

These days, everyone's talking about the housing foreclosure crisis. "Everyone" includes the three Democratic candidates for governor of Virginia - Creigh Deeds, Terry McAuliffe, and Brian Moran. Here's what they're saying.

*Creigh Deeds has "sponsored a bill to penalize mortgage brokers who use deceptive lending practices." As governor, "Deeds would fight to crack down on predatory lenders and eliminate hidden mortgage fees...modeled after his legislation in the state Senate."

*Terry McAuliffe says: "We've gotta keep people in their homes; the worst thing you can do is take someone's home away from them, it's their single biggest asset...I think we need to put a floor on it, if we've gotta extend the interest rates out...the #1 issue, you have got to keep people in their homes, because ultimately it is what is going to bring our economy back. The second thing we have to do is get these credit windows open. Right now banks aren't lending...This is Barack Obama's biggest thing, you're just going to piggyback on what the federal government's going to do."

*Brian Moran has offered a "Homeowners’ Bill of Rights," the goals of which are: 1) "Ban the worst practices of deceptive lenders;" 2) "90-day foreclosure delays;" 3) "Expand education for borrowers;" and 4) "Protect neighbors and renters." Moran says, "I’m going to fight hard to enact this Bill of Rights on day one as Governor."