Wednesday, February 18, 2009
47th House of Delegates Primary Heats Up
With Del. Al Eisenberg (D-47th) retiring, the Democratic primary for his seat is heating up. The latest news is that Patrick Hope has been endorsed by County Board Chairman Barbara Favola and board member Mary Hynes. Currently, there are at least 4 other candidates in the race - Miles Grant (who RK endorsed before it closed up shop), Adam Parkhomenko, Andres Tobar, and Alan Howze). In addition, Alfonso Lopez is widely rumored - actually, he told me point blank a few weeks ago - to be running. That makes 6 candidates, and more could get in as the filing deadline is still a ways off (April 10, I believe). As one prominent Arlington Democrat has joked, "who ISN'T running for the 47th House of Delegates Democratic nomination this year?" So step right up, apparently it's the thing to do these days! :)