From the Virginia Sierra Club -- good work, keep it up!
Dominion Resources doesn't just pollute our air, water, and climate. The company pollutes our politics too. And it's not acting alone. Dominion is a member/ supporter of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), as are two other big Virginia coal-burning carbon polluters- Appalachian Power (AEP) and the Old Dominion Electric Cooperative (ODEC). ODEC is complicit through its participation in the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.On Tuesday, April 14 we demonstrated against Dominion and its ALEC partners outside the VA Chamber of Commerce's Orwellian-named "Energy and Sustainability" Conference. A conference panel discussion on the EPA Clean Power Plan included representatives from ALEC supporters Dominion, AEP and ODEC and no clean energy representatives. When coal-burning ALEC supporters dominate a conference on sustainability, it's time for the people to stand up and say "enough."