![]() Senate Minority Leader Richard L. Saslaw (D-Fairfax) said doing nothing was not an option.Yeah, take that -- happy to exempt the books of a monopoly chartered as a public utility from public scrutiny -- but you "might want to" actually respond to what other people say about you! I'll bet that hurt! (But keep those donations coming, please...) Kudos to Attorney General Mark Herring, one of the few Democrats in the Commonwealth with the cojones to challenge Dominion's power play. Governor Terry McAuliffe, who has not taken a stand on the issue, needs to step up and follow Herring's lead if he wants to be considered leader of the state. And it's time for Democrats to stop allowing Saslaw to embarrass us, and finally replace him with a Senate leader who proudly upholds progressive values, and puts the people before the power companies. |
Saslaw: Power to the Power Company!
Saturday, January 31, 2015
by Kindler
"A Victory for Gun Rights." Really? Let's Look at Some of Those "Rights."
Friday, January 30, 2015
by AndyG
![]() HB2085 (Murphy) - Addressed the "right" of convicted violent abusers to maintain access to the very firearms that they may have been using to terrorize or dominate their family members. This bill would have temporarily removed that right and subsequently allowed the abuser to restore their rights - even to remove the current lifetime prohibition imposed by Federal Law! (Another case of, Fire, Ready, Aim, by the gun lobby working against their own interests - however, that is their "right".) In a surprise move, the subcommittee failed to accept a proposed substitute bill from the patron, due to the lack of a second. This was the first time I had seen that delicate maneuver in 8 years of watching sausage made! HB2232 (Surovell) - Attempted to restrict the "right" for people who are prohibited from purchasing firearms, due to serious mental illness (think Cho), to be able to purchase, transport and possess ammunition. Presumably for the firearms that they are prevented from purchasing, transporting or possessing. ("Bullets don't kill people, empty firearms kill people") |
Major Climate and Coastal Adaptation Bill Falls One Vote Shy of Passing Virginia Senate Committee
Thursday, January 29, 2015
![]() Eight state and national environmental groups expressed their disappointment with the vote late this afternoon by the Virginia Senate Agriculture Committee to reject Senator Donald McEachin's Virginia Coastal Protection Act. Here's their statement:"By rejecting the Virginia Coastal Protection Act (VCPA), the Committee failed to move our economy forward and begin the necessary work to work with Virginia's coastal communities to prepare for rising sea levels linked to climate change. |
Save our planet. Save our democracy.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
by Morris Meyer
![]() There are precedents for just such an arrangement in use already with the Alaska Energy Fund, which distributes oil revenues to Alaskans and what British Columbia has done with a carbon tax that hasreduced its citizens' overall taxes. A price on carbon - irrespective of the transferred money puts carbon decisions all across the economy on the bottom lines of businesses, incentivizing them to avoid this cost through replacement (solar / wind for electric companies) and energy efficiency in other smaller firms. Want less of something - tax it. The straight through rebate makes it a wash for end consumers of energy but putting it on balance sheets brings business intelligence and creativity to bear to avoid it. On the consumer angle slightly higher energy prices will incentivize consumers to make more efficient choices, invest in tightening their homes, cutting out superfluous trips, carpool, switch light bulbs which they will be able to afford with their dividend from the energy fund. Given that we have already seen an example of a carbon tax enacted and repealed in Australia, it behooves us to look at the disbursement mechanism as a way to give the recipients ownership in the politics of a carbon energy fund. |
Video: Del. David Toscano Demolishes "War on Coal" Nonsense; $1/2 BILLION in Coal Subsidies
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Check out Del. David Toscano's excellent speech yesterday on Virginia's utterly wasteful coal tax credits (aka, taxpayer-funded corporate welfare on a massive scale) and the brain-dead rhetoric about a supposed "war on coal." Next time you hear Republicans and fossil fuel industry flacks blabbering on about the "free market," "Obama's war on coal," and other nonsense, just tell them to watch this speech.Ladies and Gentlemen of the House:I listened carefully yesterday as the gentleman from Salem detailed the shuttering of the corporate offices of Norfolk Southern in Roanoke. This is an important issue to him and everyone in his community. Any jobs lost in a community have a great impact. Let me be perfectly clear. No one can be pleased with this decision. But let us not make more of this than it is. This is not a decision about coal and does not involve the so called "war on coal." It is more about economics and the private decision of a private corporation. |
Dominion's Most Brazen Power Grab Yet
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
![]() Case in point: A bill filed by Sen. Frank W. Wagner (R-Virginia Beach) would [...] free Dominion from regular financial audits conducted by the State Corporation Commission, which oversees utility rates in Virginia.We're talking here about legislation to block the state of Virginia from financial oversight of its8th largest company. Legislation that Sen. Wagner actually admitted was drafted by...Dominion. The fox guarding the henhouse? No, more like the fox taking over the whole freaking Department of Henhouses. If you're sick and tired of the political tools down in Richmond acting like lobbyists for Dominion rather than doing their job to regulate it, let them know ASAP. Contact your Delegate (find them here) and your Senator (find them here). And contact Dominion too, especially if you're a customer, to let them know that you won't stand for this powerful monopoly trying to shield itself from public scrutiny. You can send them a tweet at @DomVaPower or post to their Facebook page. We are the citizens of a democracy, not corporate vassals. Businesses certainly have a role in our society, but is the role of an actor, not that of our ruler. When companies like Dominion go too far, they need to hear from the public, loud and clear. Otherwise, they will keep going until their power over us is absolute. Don't stand for it - fight them while we still have the power to fight. |
How the Democrats Let America Down in the Shameful 2014 Elections
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
by Andy Schmookler
![]() * After this travesty took place in plain sight for nearly two years, the American electorate rewarded the Republicans by handing them even more power. *Democrats coasted into electoral disaster without even trying to focus attention on the Republicans' unprecedented abuse of the system our Founders gave us. Sure, there's plenty of shame to go around- every major component of the American body politic is implicated here. The Republicans' conduct has been awful, of course, but there's no point dwelling on what this party has become. It has been well over a decade since that Party abandoned the integrity and decency of Dwight Eisenhower, Barry Goldwater, and Ronald Reagan. The Republicans disabled our government right out in the open: making this past Congress the least productive in history; passing bills that they knew had zero chance of being enacted; focusing on provocative but useless gestures such as voting more than 50 times to repeal the health care law; refusing to bring to the House floor an immigration bill that had passed the Senate by more than 2 to 1; never proposing serious solutions of their own. But apparently voters needed help to see how seriously the conduct of the Republicans had violated this nation's basic democratic values. Where could they get that help? |
VA State Senate Moves in Wildly Wrong Direction on Campaign Finance
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
![]() The way forward requires an overhaul of public financing that spurs greater participation by the public at large.Specifically, the answer lies in a system that gives a multiple match to donor contributions. Rather than continuing to give each candidate a flat grant of $100,000, for example, public financing systems should give six-to-one multiple matching funds on the first $200 of a contribution. This would make a $200 contribution worth $1400 to a candidate. |
Arlington County Board Member Walter Tejada Announces He Will NOT Run for Reelection
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
![]() Kip Malinosky, Chair |
Yet ANOTHER Republican-led State Signs on to Medicaid Expansion. And Virginia?
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
![]() But the bottom line is, more and more Republican governors are taking this shwwwwweeeeeeet deal for their states' budgets and their citizens, and not letting the hard-right Teahadists, etc. stop them.And then there's Virginia, a "purple" state led by a Democratic governor and Democratic Party who badly want to expand Medicaid, where Republican House Speaker Bill "ALEC" Howell, hard-right-wing Republican Senate Majority Leader Tommy Norment, along with their Teapublican troops, are putting on a modern display of what used to be known in these parts as "massive resistance." In this case, it's about health care coverage for poor people, many of whom are these Teapublican lawmakers' own constituents. But whatever; Virginia Republicans are having none of the common sense and sanity we're seeing in an increasing number of Republican-led states around the country. Essentially, Virginia Republicans have no substantive argument, other than to essentially admit, "we're extremists, we're proud of it, we're not changing, and that's that." Oh, and "screw Virginia's budget, people who desperately need good healthcare coverage, hospitals which want/need this expansion, etc, etc. The question is, why would anyone in Virginia vote for these cretins? |
Coastal Citizens Call on Legislators to Pass Del. Villanueva's "Virginia Coastal Protection Act"
Monday, January 26, 2015
![]() Coastal Citizens Call on Virginia Legislators to Act on Rising Seas by Passing Bipartisan Flooding Solutions BillThe 'Virginia Coastal Protection Act' would raise up to $200 million annually through a proven regional system for cutting carbon pollution |
Dominion "Spin" Out of Control
Monday, January 26, 2015
(It's not even really "spin," it's just flat-out lies and propaganda at this point. - promoted by lowkell)![]() Union Hill was established after emancipation when previous slaveholders gave the ancestors of current Union Hill residents land on which to live and farm. Many in this community have worked tirelessly to keep their legacy intact, but Dominion believes it simply has the right to desecrate these properties by running its 42" behemoth through the center of this community. Union Hill also includes the first African-American Church in Nelson County, St. Hebron Baptist Church. This church was at one time a white-only church, but was deeded to African-Americans in the 1840's. The deed includes a statement allowing both whites and blacks to preach and worship within its walls. We imagine this was there to protect the African-American worshippers since slaves were not legally allowed to own property before emancipation. Ms. Faggert justifies the lawsuits saying "over 3,000 miles of potential routes have been considered." From the reports filed with FERC, it is obvious lines on maps may have been drawn for other possible routes, but Dominion gave them no serious consideration. They simply tallied the miles of forestland, wetlands, pasture and state and national properties the other "proposed routes" would traverse and summarily dismissed. They did no environmental, cultural or historical studies of those proposed routes; none at all. |
It's High Time for Gov. McAuliffe to Move from "Orange" to "Green" on Climate, Energy
Monday, January 26, 2015
![]() Green governors not only accept climate change science but are proactively implementing policies to fight climate change and prepare their states for the impacts of extreme weather. Orange governors either accept climate science or have not openly denied it but also either have mixed climate and energy records or have not yet taken serious action to help their state prepare for its impacts. If a governor has made no public statement on climate science, has not taken action, or has openly objected to federal safeguards that help blunt the impacts of climate change, they are placed in the red category. Governors who deny the reality of mainstream climate science are added to the red "Climate Deniers" category, further marked by striped lines.Obviously, I was most curious about how Virginia's governor, Terry McAuliffe, stacked up. The answer, according to CAP (which, by the way, has close ties to McAuliffe's good friends the Clintons)? Kinda "meh," frankly. Most glaringly, McAuliffe isn't considered to be "green," but "orange," ranking behind the governors of California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington State when it comes to promoting climate action and clean energy.Why does McAuliffe rank below all those governors on energy and the environment? CAP lists three major problems: In response to the economic struggles the coal industry has deal with in the Commonwealth, McAuliffe said carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology was the answer, calling jobs in CCS-equipped coal plants the "jobs of the future." He is the only Democrat to join a coalition of governors supporting efforts to open the outer continental shelf to oil and gas exploration, and has had to defend his support for a propose natural gas pipeline.Now, clearly, Gov. McAuliffe is not a kooky climate science denier or anything awful like that. Nor is he in any way hostile to clean energy, from what I have seen. The problem is that there's simply no way to reconcile support for things like offshore drilling and continued reliance on coal with taking effective measures to head of man-made global warming disaster. And, frankly, even if there were no such thing as global warming, it should be utterly unacceptable to blow up mountains and destroy entire ecosystems (while making the people who live there both sicker and poorer) for coal. Just as it should be utterly unacceptable to risk devastating oil spills off Virginia's beautiful, and economically crucial, coast (and Cheseapeake Bay).Finally, of course, the fact is that clean energy is rapidly becoming a better deal, purely on economic/cost grounds (e.g., see Three Graphics from Lazard Study Show How Competitive Clean Energy's Gotten, than fossil fuels, not even taking into account the massive, taxpayer-funded corporate welfare the fossil fuel companies receive, nor the failure to "price in" the enormous environmental and health-related "externalities" that fossil fuels entail. We know that energy efficiency is by far the cheapest form of energy - "negawatts," the energy you never have to produce. We also know that onshore wind is cheaper than coal and natural gas (in terms of its "Unsubsidized Levelized Cost of Energy") right now, with the cost of both solar and wind falling fast. In sum, given the economics alone, it makes essentially no sense whatsoever to invest any further in 19th and 20th century fossil fuel technologies. When you factor in the environmental and health "externalities" of fossil fuels, it makes even less than "no sense." Unless, of course, you are a fossil fuel company or fossil-fuel-heavy utility that wants to hold on to their profitable entrenched, "incumbent" status as long as possible. But just because they want to milk a few more years of profit out of despoiling the environment doesn't mean we have to enable their greed-above-all, screw-the-planet behavior. And there's certainly no reason why Virginia's governor shouldn't send them that message, loud and clear -- while moving up the rankings from "orange" to "green" in the process. |
VA "Democratic" Leader Dick Saslaw Strikes Again, This Time Wants to Make Execution Drugs Secret
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Yep, the same Dick Saslaw who doesn't believe Virginia needs any stinkin' ethics laws, who is well known to despise progressives and environmentalists (aka, his "base"; can you imagine Tommy Norment constantly dissing his right-wing base like this?!?), who recently called the Sierra Club "crazy," who has presided over Democrats losing control of the Virginia State Senate (and the pissing away of much of the money he raised), is at it again. This time?That's right, Saslaw's latest cause is to ensure that "information relating to the identity of...compounding drugs for use in executions and all documents related to the execution process are confidential, exempt from the Freedom of Information Act, and not subject to discovery or introduction as evidence in a civil proceeding except for good cause shown." Now why might Saslaw be doing something like this? Well, for starters, he's a supporter of the death penalty. Virginia also has a "problem," if you think not being able to execute people is a "problem," in that it has some lethal injection drugs, lacks anesthetic ("the department does not have in stock either thiopental sodium or pentobarbital - anesthetics used as the first in the three-drug lethal injection protocol developed by the Department of Corrections."). Meanwhile, the U.S. Supreme Court is preparing to rule on the constitutionality of an execution "drug cocktail," with death row opponents contending "that the drugs being used are untested, experimental drug combinations that can cause great suffering, in violation of the Eighth Amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishment." Now, if the public doesn't know what is IN Virginia's execution "drug cocktail," it will be kind of hard to challenge it in court. Of course, the public should have a right to know this information, as the state is arguing for the right to put people to death using our tax dollars. In short, Dick Saslaw is wrong both on the merits of the issue here as well as on the right of the public to know what's going on. So when is someone going to primary this faux "Democrat?" ![]() |
RPV's Farewell to Chair Features "Spousal Rape" Guy, "Anti-Semitic Joke" Dude, Convicted Felon
Saturday, January 24, 2015
![]() 2. They also clearly have no problem with the convicted felon (Ollie North) and extremist who almost singlehandedly brought down the presidency of their greatest hero, Ronald Reagan. Also note that Nancy Reagan ripped North, "asserting that the former aide to President Ronald Reagan 'lied to my husband and lied about my husband'" and that he "has a great deal of trouble separating fact from fantasy." 3. Finally, as for the incoming RPV Chair John Whitbeck, here are a few articles you might want to check out about him: Virginia Candidate John Whitbeck Has Anti-Semitic 'Macaca' Moment; Mark Herring: Statements Made at Cuccinelli Rally "a disgrace to Loudoun County & the Commonwealth", and Anti-Semitic "Joke" Candidate's HOA Was Sued for Anti-Arab/Muslim Discrimination. Any further questions about the Republican Party of Virginia? P.S. Also note that none of these folks has condemned State Senator Steve Martin for hisrecent comments about how Muslim Americans shouldn't be protected by the U.S. constitution (Martin continued his tirade against Muslims: "They celebrate death. We celebrate life. They celebrate denial of liberty. We celebrate liberty restrained by virtue.") |
Atlantic Coast Pipeline Opponents Rally on Capitol Square
Friday, January 23, 2015
by Pontoon
![]() The protesters recognized Hanger and Deeds for their efforts to protect their property rights, as well as Richard "Dickie" Bell for legislation he introduced requiring public service corporations to meet the Freedom of Information statute should they use eminent domain while completing a project. Sharon Ponton, a Free Nelson organizer, spoke about her frustration with elected officials within the Democratic Party, making specific reference to Governor Terry McAuliffe's first energy policy action as being to "stand at a podium beside Dominion and call a 42" fracked gas pipeline a game changer" after running as a green renewable energy candidate. She continued by asking if the Governor thought an African American community known as Union Hill whose ancestors had received their land from their previous slaveholders after emancipation would think it was a game changer when the pipeline destroyed their community". The crowd bellowed, "No'" in response. She gave other examples of private property being desecrated and each time the crowd answered empathetically no. |
Sen. Warner Votes Against Amendment on Urgency of Climate Change, Switching to Clean Energy
Friday, January 23, 2015
![]() What's totally f'ed up about this vote is that fossil fuels make up only a tiny percentage of Virginia's economy, so there's not even that lame excuse. In addition, Hampton Roads is one of the most vulnerable areas in the entire country to the impacts of climate change. Plus, Virginia stands to benefit enormously from the business opportunities surrounding the multi-trillion-dollar clean energy market in coming days -- unless, of course, we foolishly, idiotically choose not to take advantage of that profit opportunity. Finally, what really boggles my mind is that when "Green Miles" Grant, Josh Tulkin (at the time with the Chesapeake Climate Action Network) and I met with Mark Warner in January 2008, we all felt that he totally "got it" with regards to climate change and clean energy. So what happened since then? I mean, in the real world, the urgency of dealing with climate change has actually GROWN significantly since then, while the cost of clean energy has plummeted. If anything, in other words, Warner should have become far MORE enthused about clean energy as a business opportunity, and also far MORE concerned about global warming. The question is, why hasn't he?
SA 24. Mr. SANDERS (for himself, Mr. BENNET, Mr. CARDIN, and Mr. MENENDEZ) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 1, to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:
After section 2, insert the following:
Solar Power Grows by Leaps and Bounds in USA...But NOT in Virginia
Friday, January 23, 2015
![]() In 2008, the U.S. installed 263 megawatts (AC) of solar PV and CSP. In 2014, based on GTM Research's conservative estimates, the U.S. installed at least 5.7 gigawatts (AC). The PV figures were discounted into AC from DC in order to make an accurate comparison and include concentrating solar.More than 80,000 new jobs have been created in the industry since then. Today, one company, SolarCity, is booking almost as much solar capacity in one quarter as the entire industry put on-line in all of 2008.So, yeah, solar power installation in this country is growing by leaps and bounds as the cost of solar plummets. And no, the fastest-growing states are not just in the desert southwest, but also in places like Colorado, Delaware, Massachussetts, New Jersey, North Carolina, Vermont, Maryland, Connecticut, Oregon and Pennsylvania. Notice a state missing here? That's right, Virginia, also known as the "Old Dominion, with the emphasis on the word "Dominion" - as in Dominion Virginia Power, a largely fossil-fuel (and nuclear) utility which essentially owns the Virginia General Assembly, as well as the powerful State Corporation Commission, which ostensibly is supposed to regulate Dominion.So, what have the results been in Virginia, with Dominion and its fossil-fuel-funded friends in the state legislature blocking and tackling for dirty, carbon-based fuels, while doing their utmost to stymie the explosion of clean energy (wind, solar, energy efficiency, etc.) we're seeing in the rest of the country and world? In two words: not good. Here's the sad story, courtesy of the Solar Energy Industries Asssociation (SEIA): In 2013, Virginia installed 6 MW of solar electric capacity, ranking it 27th nationally...The 9 MW of solar energy currently installed in Virginia ranks the state 30th in the country in installed solar capacity. There is enough solar energy installed in the state to power 1,000 homes.Wow, 1,000 homes out of millions. Yes, that number really is as pitiful as it looks. The frustrating thing is that the situation is pitiful not because Virginia is lacking in sunshine, wind, or potential for energy efficiency gains, but simply because of bad policies.On the upside, policy is something we can change, at least in theory. Of course, the "powers that be" could decide not to change policy, but that won't help their pals at Dominion Power in the long run. For more on that, see David Roberts' superb article, Rooftop solar is just the beginning; utilities must innovate or go extinct. So, Dominion (and Virginia more broadly) has a stark choice: 1) continue to fight inevitable change, saddle Virginians with dirty energy for years to come, yet eventually see the entire business model collapse anyway (what Roberts calls the "death spiral"); or 2) adapt to a changing world, one in which even oil-rich Middle Eastern countries are moving heavily into solar power for purely economic reasons -- because its price is low and heading lower. It seems like an easy call to make, but as we saw just this morning, with the defeat of a Virginia renewable energy tax credit bill (by Del. Rip Sullivan) in a House of Delegates committee, there are a lot of politicians who still don't "get it." |
Your 2015 Legislative Session Cheat Sheet, Part 2: Fossil Fuels
Friday, January 23, 2015
By ivymain
![]() Coal companies claim to be victims of a "war on coal," but for nearly two decades they've been conducting a war on Virginia taxpayers. Virginia's tax code offers so many preferences that a 2012 study concluded the coal industry costs Virginia more than it gives back. Among other preferences, two different subsidies in the Code have allowed coal companies to siphon off tens of millions of dollars annually from the General Fund since 1996. The subsidies come with nominal sunset dates, currently January 1, 2017. Over nearly twenty years, no matter how fat or lean the state's financial condition, the legislature has repeatedly passed extensions, and they are being asked to do so again this year. HB 1879 (Kilgore) and SB 741 (Carrico) would extend the giveaway out to 2022. (According to VPAP.org, Delegate Kilgore, chairman of the Commerce and Labor Committee, gets a check for $10,000 every year from coal giant Alpha Natural Resources. Alpha also gives ten grand a year to Senator Carrico, who just happens to sit on Senate Finance, which will hear the bill. I mention these facts only in passing. It would be cynical to suggest a connection.) Supporters of the subsidies seem to believe coal companies need the inducement to blow up our mountains and dump waste into stream valleys. And they maintain this is a good thing for the people of Southwest Virginia, who can enjoy gainful employment by participating in the destruction of their communities. The coal companies certainly do benefit from this arrangement, but coal jobs have declined to less than 5,000 total in Virginia today, and it's clear to everyone that Southwest Virginia needs to diversify its economy or face a future of poverty and high unemployment. The coal subsidies suck up money that could be spent on new jobs and a better-educated workforce. |
Sen. Saslaw Continues to Oppose Strengthened Ethics Laws; Says "Everyone Knows" Sierra Club "Crazy"
Thursday, January 22, 2015
For more on Saslaw's obnoxious, bizarre comments see the Checks and Balances Project(C&BP). A few highlights:
He seemed not to understand, so I repeated the word "apologist." He then explained how he had gotten Virginia Dominion President Robert Blue and a solar chieftain together to try and work out their differences. I countered with the fact that the Sierra Club's climate and energy scorecard had given Senator Saslaw an overall grade of D, while three Republican delegates received B's."Well," Senator Saslaw huffed. "Everyone knows they're crazy!" He invited me to visit him in Richmond, then walked off.Of course, when Saslaw talks about how "everyone knows," he's talking about the |
VA House Republicans Block Attempt to Prohibit Fundraising During Lengthy Special Sessions
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Currently, as you probably are aware, members of the Virginia General Assembly are prohibited from raising money during session. There's a logic to this; namely, that fundraising during session creates at least the appearance of impropriety (e.g., members taking money from the very corporations and others who stand to gain - or lose - from legislation before those very same General Assembly members).Of course, this prohibition is utterly inadequate - basically a bad joke - as it's still possible for corporations and others to donate unlimited amounts of money to members in all the time leading up to and following sessions. For instance, while our pals at Dominion Power aren't allowed to donate to Speaker Bill "ALEC" Howell DURING a session, it's perfectly legal from them to donate as much as they want to Howell (or anyone else) the moment a session ends, all the way up to the moment a new session begins. How on earth that prevents the appearance of impropriety, let alone actual impropriety (e.g., the "capture" of our government by powerful interests of all types) is beyond me. Add to this pathetically weak, intrinsically corrupt situation the fact that Republicans last year held extended "special sessions," the apparent purpose of which being to prevent Gov. McAuliffe from appointing judges, while effectively allowing the Republican-dominated legislature to stack the Virginia judiciary. During those "special sessions," commonsense would suggest that the same logic about not being able to fundraise during regular sessions would apply. I mean, either you're in session or you're not, whether it's called "special" or "regular" or whatever. Right? Except for one problem: we're not talking about normal human logic here, but instead that strange, oxymoronic concept known as "Republican logic." As Gov. McAuliffe tweeted earlier today: "Disappointed to see a party line vote defeat proposal to ban fundraising in special session. A session is a session & should have same rules." Yeah, you'd think they should. But not, apparently, in a General Assembly controlled by the likes of Bill "ALEC" Howell, Tommy Norment, etc. Anyway, that so-called "Republican logic" was on full display earlier today in a House of Delegates subcommittee, where Republicans killed, on a party-line vote (shocker!), legislation that would have prohibited fundraising during special sessions, just as it's prohibited during regular sessions. I had a short conversation with Democratic House Leader Del. David Toscano about this a little while ago. The bottom line, in Toscano's view, is that prohibiting fundraising during special sessions would have made Virginia's pathetically weak campaign finance ethics system at least a wee bit stronger than it is now. But Republicans clearly prefer to have their cake (being able to call extended special sessions to block Gov. McAuliffe from appointing people to the judiciary) and eat it too (treat the special session differently than the regular session when it comes to raising money). It's not good government, it's not a sign of seriousness on ethics reform (even after everything we've seen the past couple years, including the conviction of former Gov. McDonnell), and it's not internally consistent logic. But...it's what Republicans want, and sadly they're in the majority right now and can get their way. Which is just one reason, out of many other important ones, why Democrats need to take back the State Senate this November and pick up a bunch of seats in the House of Delegates as well. |
Living in Dominion's Sacrifice Zones
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
by Pontoon
![]() John Ed and Ruth, just as their ancestors were, have been good stewards of the land, raising cattle, growing hay and harvesting timber. One day last May, John Ed and Ruth received a certified letter from Dominion Resources telling them a pipeline was coming through. Dominion needed to survey the Purvis farm because it wanted to construct its 42" natural gas pipeline on their family farm. John Ed and Ruth were surprised like other Nelsonians and were even more surprised when they learned about a law the Virginia General Assembly passed. "This law they passed in Richmond in 2004 alllowing survey without permission isn't right. It has gotten everybody riled up," he stated. He continued, "Eminent domain is for building schools and roads--things that benefit the community." The couple is keenly aware they and other landowners, nor the community will receive any benefit from Dominion's attempted land grab to build its pipeline. |
pontoon :: Living in Dominion's Sacrifice Zones |
![]() The Purvis' will be required to live in Dominion's sacrifice zone, a 1,100 foot area which is known as a high hazard zone should the pipeline, if ever built, explode. As we bid him goodbye, he stood on the front porch, pointed toward a grove of trees in the distance and said, "The family cemetery is down there, between those two big cedar trees. It has chain link fence around it. Not sure what will happen to that either if this pipeline comes through." |
Your 2015 legislative session cheat sheet: Clean energy bills
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
by Ivy Main
The House bills are typically assigned to the 13-member Special Subcommittee on Energy (10 Republicans and 3 Democrats, no fixed schedule, but we've heard February 3d is the likely date). Bills that do not meet the approval of Dominion Power can expect a quick death here on an unrecorded voice vote, never to be heard from again. But on the plus side, the meetings are often quite lively, like old-fashioned hangings. Net metering bills Net metering is the policy that allows owners of solar (or other renewable) energy systems to be credited for the excess power they feed back into the grid when the systems produce a surplus; the owners use the credits when their systems aren't supplying power and they need to draw electricity from the grid. Virginia law restricts who can use net metering, and how much. Expanding net metering is a major goal of renewable energy advocates, who argue it offers a free market approach to growth-give customers the freedom to build solar projects, get the utility out of the way, and solar will thrive. This year's initiatives include: |
Do These Stories Give You the "Warm and Fuzzies" Over Ethics in Virginia Government?
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Two stories on the Washington Post website, two prime examples of the "Virginia Way" in action. I'm not, of course, talking about the "Virginia Way" that meant Virginia was somehow above the petty (or more than petty) corruption we see in other states, countries, etc. Instead, I'm talking about the REAL "Virginia Way," as explained here by DJ Rippert -- "Endless recent scandals (Tobacco Indemnification Fund, Phil Hamilton, Star Scientific, etc, etc)." Below, you can see the two examples of how dirty money in politics has made a mockery of the "Virginia Way." I mean, seriously, after all that's happened -- including Republicans having the chutzpah to attack Mark Warner over the sleazy Phil Puckett jobs-in-exchange-for-Puckett's-resignation/control-of-the-State-Senate deal, the one that THEY came up with -- Republicans are about to vote to approve a judgeship for Phil Puckett's daughter? And these are the same people who the people of Virginia are trusting to enact ethics reform that's worth anything? Amazing.![]() |
Webb Jumps the Shark, Contradicts Everything He's Said Since 2006, in Bizarre "Middle Class" Tweet
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
(UPDATE: The comments on this are scathing. - promoted by lowkell) For anyone who remembers Webb's 2006 campaign for U.S. Senate, you undoubtedly recall that he talked constantly about the poor getting poorer, the rich getting richer, and the "middle class getting squeezed." Yet now, for some bizarre reason, he's not a "fan" of the "'middle class' lingo" or apparently of "class" rhetoric?!? Sorry, but Jim Webb has now officially jumped the shark. WTF? Not a fan of the "middle class" lingo. Fighting for hard working Americans and small business isn’t about class. #webb2016 #economicfairness |
Video: AG Mark Herring Addresses Gun Violence Vigil and Advocacy Day
Monday, January 19, 2015
Have I mentioned recently how lucky we are to have Mark Herring as our Attorney General and not Mark "Criminalize Miscarriages" Obenshain? On, and if anyone tries to tell you that their vote doesn't matter, remind them that Herring beat Obenshain by just 165 votes out of 2.2 million cast. So yeah, every vote DOES matter - big time.As for the issue of gun safety, the lazy, cowardly corporate media can report it as "both sides" all it wants, but the fact is that Virginians overwhelmingly support commonsense gun safety measures (e.g., "By an overwhelming 92-7 percent, Virginia voters support background checks for people who buy guns at gun shows;" "58-39 percent support for a national ban on assault weapons;" "59-37 percent support for banning high capacity ammunition magazines;" "62-27 percent that allowing people to own assault weapons makes the country more dangerous;" "66-31 percent oppose allowing teachers to carry concealed weapons in the classroom"). The problem, as always, is that a passionate, vocal, well-funded minority can outweigh a large but relatively silent and passive majority. Obviously, that needs to change. |
Virginia Republicans Praise MLK, Jr., Even Though They Oppose Much of What He Stood For
Monday, January 19, 2015
![]() As for MLK, Jr.'s views on economic fairness and social justice, how many of these quotes orthese or these (or many more) do you think Barbara Comstock - or other Virginia Republicans (e.g., Dave Brat, Ed Gillespie, Ken Cuccinelli) would be comfortable with? *"Our only hope today lies in our ability to recapture the revolutionary spirit and go out into a sometimes hostile world declaring eternal hostility to poverty, racism, and militarism." *"True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring." *"So it is obvious that if man is to redeem his spiritual and moral 'lag', he must go all out to bridge the social and economic gulf between the 'haves' and the 'have nots' of the world. Poverty is one of the most urgent items on the agenda of modern life." *"A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom." *"The curse of poverty has no justification in our age. It is socially as cruel and blind as the practice of cannibalism at the dawn of civilization, when men ate each other because they had not yet learned to take food from the soil or to consume the abundant animal life around them. The time has come for us to civilize ourselves by the total, direct and immediate abolition of poverty." *"We must create full employment, or we must create incomes. People must be made consumers by one method or the other. Once they are placed in this position, we need to be concerned that the potential of the individual is not wasted. New forms of work that enhance the social good will have to be devised for those for whom traditional jobs are not available... Work of this sort could be enormously increased, and we are likely to find thatthe problem of housing, education, instead of preceding the elimination of poverty, will themselves be affected if poverty is first abolished" *"I am convinced that if we are to get on the right side of the world revolution, we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. We must rapidly begin-we must rapidly begin the shift from a thing-oriented society to a person-oriented society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism and militarism are incapable of being conquered." |
New WaPo-ABC Poll Shows Toxic Impact of Media's "Both Sides" False Equivalency "Reporting"
Monday, January 19, 2015
![]() *"Overall, who do you trust to do a better job coping with the main problems the nation faces over the next few years (Obama) or (the Republicans in Congress)?" The contrast between where we found ourselves in 2009, when Republicans handed the baton to Democratic leadership, and now, five years later -- is stunning. And this massive improvement in our economy comes about in spite of Republican obstructionism, shutting down the government threatening to default on our country's national debt, declaring that their #1 priority was for President Obama to "fail," etc., etc. Yet in spite of all that evidence, the Post/ABC poll finds the country almost even split on who they trust to do a better job facing country between President Obama (40%) and Republicans (36%), with 17% saying "neither." Again, I blame the corporate media, and its 24/7 barrage of false equivalence, "both sides" reporting for most of that. I also blame Democratic politicians, Mark Warner being a prime example, for adopting this brain-dead, utterly false "framing" and perpetuating it. *"Who do you think is mainly responsible for [government dysfunction] - (Obama and the Democrats in Congress), (the Republicans in Congress), or both sides equally?" Again, there's no question, factually speaking, who is at fault here: the Tea Party and the Republicans. They are the ones who have behaved in a wildly irresponsible, destructive manner since President Obama took office. They are the ones who shoved sequestration down our throats. They are the ones who shut down the government. They are the ones who threatened to default on our country's national debt. They are the ones who blocked investment in U.S. infrastructure, action on climate change and energy policy, action to help stem the scourge of gun violence, comprehensive immigration reform, action to address growing income inequality and wage stagnation, you name it. And despite all this, Democrats have made progress pulling us out of the Great Recession, which was handed over to President Obama by Bush, Cheney, etc. Yet somehow, Americans hold "both sides" equally responsible (61%) for making our government dysfunctional (note: an additional 18% bizarrely blame President Obama and Democrats in Congress, while 20% correctly blame Republicans in Congress). *" Who do you think is taking a stronger leadership role in the government in Washington these days, (Obama) or (the Republicans in Congress)?" Ditto to my previous comments. Bottom line: the American public's belief that "both sides" are responsible for whatever problems our country faces, for government "dysfunction," etc., is completely false. As Thomas Mann of the American Enterprise Institute and Norm Ornstein of the Brookings Institute wrote in 2012 (and the situation hasn't changed signficantly since then): We have been studying Washington politics and Congress for more than 40 years, and never have we seen them this dysfunctional. In our past writings, we have criticized both parties when we believed it was warranted. Today, however, we have no choice but to acknowledge that the core of the problem lies with the Republican Party.The GOP has become an insurgent outlier in American politics. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.Bingo. Yet the American public doesn't know this. Why not? Corporate media, j'accuse! |
Oops, Dominion accidentally sues 14 Nelson County landowners
Saturday, January 17, 2015
by Pontoon
(One can only pray Dominion builds pipelines better than it conducts public relations - promoted by lowkell)![]() A statement released Friday by Jim Norvelle, Dominion's Communication Director announces: "We have identified 14 landowners in Nelson County whose properties were on the original proposed route, but were removed by a reroute that occurred in October. However, the maps were not updated in a timely fashion. We are working to understand how that happened so it won't happen again. The reroute has removed the Brooks's property from consideration; their property is no longer on the proposed route. Obviously, we are also dropping the lawsuit against them.The incorrect maps were used in preparing the lawsuits. We are removing the 14 landowners, including the Brookses, from the list of lawsuits and apologizing to them for our mistake. While the lawsuits had been filed with the Nelson County Circuit Court clerk, they had not yet been served. Nevertheless, we are notifying them that their properties have been removed from the proposed route." |
pontoon :: Oops, Dominion accidentally sues 14 Nelson County landowners |
![]() The community is in an uproar over this Dominion fiasco. Landowners are asking if Dominion should be required to hold another open house since its maps were obviously incorrect. Dominion's private process servers are showing up to serve its lawsuits at rural homes at 9 o'clock pm, in pitch black dark, frightening families when parents are getting their children ready for bed. Heidi Cochran, another landowner being sued posted: "Hard to believe they just now realized they had the wrong maps. Wonder how often mistakes are made that they don't realize until too late. They need to realize this pipeline is a mistake." Nelsonian Matt Dwyer who is not on the proposed route (at least the routes Nelson has been shown, posted) says "Great example of the prospect/possibility of the pipeline being on ANYONE's property...my home is presently miles away...but only for the stroke of a pen? I'm going to continue to react as if it were on my land...." Others in the community point to this error, the 3 pipeline accidents Dominion and/or its partnerships have been involved in since October 2, 2014, and the fines levied by West Virginia for Dominion's failure to prevent the pollution of 17 streams when it constructed a pipeline there, as clear and valid reasons to question Dominion's ability to safely, effectively take on construction of a 550-mile, 42" pipeline. Others still question how it could take over 2 months for someone at Dominion to sit at a computer and redraw a line, claiming Dominion is obviously incompetent or it is bowing to the bad press surrounding its suit of the Sheriff of Nelson County and his ill wife. One would expect if Dominion can make such heroic efforts to serve landowners with the lawsuits, it could do as well for the families they sued in error. Only two of the 14 families now know they aren't being sued. The others are still talking to and hiring attorneys to defend themselves against Goliath! When might Goliath let the 12 Davids know they were sued in error? That's anybody's guess. Other than Dominion's. |
Virginia Senate Dems at Serious "Cash on Hand" Disadvantage Heading Into 2015 Elections
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Bottom line: Virginia Democrats appear to be heading into the crucial 2015 election year, with control of the State Senate hanging in the balance, at a serious financial disadvantage to Virginia Republicans. I keep thinking there MUST be a way to look at these numbers and come out with an optimistic conclusion, but damned if I've figured it out. Anyone else? |
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