I've noticed for a while that it seems like there have been very few polls of the Virginia governor's race this cycle, but I had't really looked into it. Until this morning, when I decided to check Real Clear Politics and see if my gut feeling was correct. Well, yes, it was. So far this summer (since June 1), these are the polls of the Virginia governor's race.*Quinnipiac (8/14-8/19) 48%-42% McAuliffe +6 *Quinnipiac (7/11-7/15) 43%-39% McAuliffe +4 *Roanoke College (7/8-7/14) 33%-39% Cuccinelli +6 *PPP (7/11 - 7/14) 41%-37% McAuliffe +4 *Rasmussen Reports (6/5-6/6) 44%-41% McAuliffe +3 That's five polls of the Virginia governor's race since the end of May 2013, with four showing McAuliffe ahead, and one not being a serious poll (NOT because it has Cuccinelli ahead, but because it's been a piece of crap for years now). In comparison, here are the polls from 2009: *Washington Post (8/11-8/14) 54%-39% McDonnell +15 *Rasmussen (8/10-8/10) 49%-41% McDonnell +8 *Daily Kos/R2000 (8/3-8/5) 51%-43% McDonnell +8 *PPP (7/31-8/3) 51%-37% McDonnell +14 *SurveyUSA (7/27-7/28) 55%-40% McDonnell +15 *Rasmussen (7/14-7/14) 44%-41% McDonnell +3 *PPP (6/30-7/2) 49%-43% McDonnell +6 *Daily Kos/R2000 (6/15-6/17) 45%-44% McDonnell +1 *Rasmussen (6/10-6/10) 41%-47% Deeds +6 *SurveyUSA (6/5 - 6/7) 47%-43% McDonnell +4 *Daily Kos/R2000 (6/1-6/3) 46%-34% McDonnell +12 That makes 11 polls in 2009 from June 1 through August 23 (McDonnell led all of them except for, ironically, the most pro-Republican one, Rasmussen). So...in 2009 there were twice as many Virginia Governor polls from June 1 until now as in 2013. It's weird, because if anything you'd think it would be the opposite, as 2009 was a blowout and 2013 is a much closer, more interesting race. What happened? I'm not totally sure, but a few things jump out: