JAMES LANDER WINS DEMOCRATIC ENDORSEMENT FOR ARLINGTON SCHOOL BOARD Arlington, VA – Earlier this evening, by a vote of 1144 to 1097, School Board Member James Lander was selected as the 2013 Democratic endorsee for the Arlington School Board. The vote was held over a two-day caucus on May 9 and May 11. Lander will run for re-election to the Arlington School Board as the Democratic Party’s endorsee in November. Lander and Arlington County Democratic Chair Mike Lieberman issued the following statements regarding the vote:UPDATE #2: Barbara Kanninen's statement: "Congratulations to my opponent James Lander on winning a hard fought, positive election. Thank you so much to all of my volunteers and supporters for your help, ideas and kind words of support. I hope you all stay active in our schools, community, and the political process."James Lander: “This campaign has been a tremendous opportunity to re-connect with Arlington voters. I appreciate Barbara Kanninen’s spirited and well run campaign, and I thank her for her work to engage the voters of Arlington on the important issues facing our schools. I am humbled to have another opportunity to be the Democratic endorsee for the School Board, and I hope to continue my service to the students and families of Arlington.” Mike Lieberman: “James Lander has been a strong voice for Arlington’s students in his four years on the board, and today’s vote is an affirmation of his record. We are proud to again have James representing us as our Democratic endorsee in November, and we will be working hard to ensure he has four more years on the School Board. I also want to thank Barbara Kanninen for running a thoughtful and energetic campaign, and giving Arlington voters a choice of two superb leaders.”
James Lander Reelected to Arlington School Board, 1,144-1,097
Saturday, May 11, 2013
I just got back from the Arlington County School Board Democratic endorsement caucus. The election was extremely close, with incumbent James Lander edging out Barbara Kanninen by 47 votes out of 2,241 cast (click on the image to "embiggen"). I'll have video and photos shortly. Congratulations to James Lander on his victory, and also to Barbara Kanninen for running a strong, positive campaign.
UPDATE: Here's a statement from the Arlington County Democratic Committee: