To put it mildly, I'm not a big fan of Prince William County board Chair Corey Stewart. Why not? I refer you toExhibit A, also know as the series of "9500 Liberty" videos, in which Stewart does his best imitation of a raging, rabid, xenophobic demagogue. Now, Stewart is taking his bashing of "illegals," as he so charmingly calls hard-working immigrants here to make a better life for their families, statewide. Or is he? You certainly wouldn't guess it from his interview on WAMU's The Politics Hour this past Friday, in which he pretends to be a "moderate," but in the end descends into self contradiction and, ultimately, utter, laughably absurd incoherence. Here are few "highlights" from his debacle of an interview.*Stewart claims his priorities are "transportation, transportation, transportation," that Virginia has "kicked this can down the road far too long," and that it's a "dire situation" we are facing. So, having diagnosed the problem, what's Stewart going to do about it? Got me. For starters, he proceeds to dismiss Bob McDonnell's transportation plan as "not going to go anywhere." Huh? So what better idea(s) does Stewart have? Well, let's see, he opposes raising taxes - gas tax, sales tax, etc. - so forget any new revenues. And without any new revenues, aren't we just continuing to kick that proverbial can down the metaphorical (certainly not physical) road? Sure seems like it to me. In sum, this is a total, nonsensical, incoherent #FAIL by Corey Stewart. *Perhaps recognizing his utter #FAIL on transportation, Stewart then reaches for some potential revenues by possibly eliminating some of the many tax loopholes (aka, billions of dollars per year in corporate welfare we absurdly dole out) in the Virginia tax code. Except, one problem: Stewart refuses to name any, claiming it might "get myself in trouble." Well, now, ain't THAT a profile in courage and leadership? LOL *Stewart ties himself in knots trying to explain why Virginia "will vote Republican this November." Stewart's main "argument," using the word VERY loosely, is the so-called "rule" that Virginia always votes opposite for governor as the party in the White House. Of course, as I explained the other day, this "rule" has absolutely no basis, statistical or any other way, in fact. It's just as moronic as the pundits who claimed that President Obama couldn't win reelection because "no president since FDR had ever been reelected with higher than 8% unemployment." Whatever. Anyway, it's not a serious argument in any way, shape, or form. Lost more incoherence and illogic on the "flip"