by: Sierra Club NovaHubTue Oct 02, 2012 at 18:19:08 PM EDT | |
( - promoted by lowkell) Richmond - In advance of the Governor's Energy Conference, clean energy groups today released a white paperhighlighting the influence that coal companies and utilities wield over Virginia energy policy. The top sponsors of the governor's conference are Dominion Virginia Power, Alpha Natural Resources and Appalachian Power Company, who combined contribute millions of dollars to state election campaigns.Appalachian Voices, Sierra Club Virginia and Chesapeake Climate Action Network analyzed more than a decade of publicly available data. The groups draw the connection between the campaign contributions and corporate gifts from these and other dirty energy companies, and the poor record of Virginia in advancing energy efficiency and renewable programs compared to other states. "The top sponsors of the energy conference are also top sponsors of Virginia's election campaigns," said Tom Cormons, Virginia Director for Appalachian Voices. "Unfortunately, these companies dominate Virginia's energy policy, just as they dominate the conference agenda. This harms consumers and taxpayers, and it may be the single greatest impediment to transitioning the commonwealth to a cleaner, healthier energy future." "Most Virginians want more energy efficiency, wind and solar power, but corporations like Dominion and Alpha pay for the privilege to write our energy policy, and they want us to continue to rely on dirty fossil fuels because that adds the most to their bottom line," said Glen Besa, director of Sierra Club Virginia. Dominion Virginia contributed more than $750,000 to state-level politicians in 2007 alone. That year, an energy utility re-regulation bill, which provided an enormous rate of return for the utility, was rushed through the General Assembly, the groups say. While the rest of Virginia suffered in the economic downturn, Dominion was guaranteed by law to make a significant profit. That law also introduced the state's voluntary Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), which Dominion has proven can be easily met without building any wind or solar projects in Virginia. By meeting the RPS goals, Dominion qualifies for a bonus that will end up costing customers approximately $76 million over two years.