It's nice to see the Tea Party proudly supporting people who think like them, folks like Jim LeMunyon for starters (note: click on image to "embiggen"). For anyone who thinks LeMunyon and his crazy REPEAL Amendment are "moderate" in any way, I've got a nice, Colonial-era three-cornered hat (authentic, really it is!) and some tea from Boston Harbor (also totally authentic!!!) to sell you. As might his Democratic opponent, Eric Clingan, who I urge everyone in the 67th district to vote for!Also note that the NOVA Tea Party writes that "For the first time in a long time, we have the opportunity to control the Governor's mansion, the Senate, and the House of Delegates." Notice the highly significant use of the word "we" in there? No differentiation between members of the Tea Party and the Republican Party, hence why I call them "Teapublicans." Basically, they're flip sides of the same coin, tweedle dee and tweedle dum(b).
All of which means that your choice in 11/8 is surpassingly simple: if you want the Tea Party to control Virginia (and bring the type of dysfunction and extremism we see with Eric Can'tor, etc. in Washington), then by all means vote Republican! If you do NOT want the Tea Party to control Virginia, then make da** sure you get off your butts on 11/8 and go vote Democratic, up and down the ticket. Also, make sure you tell ALL your friends, colleagues, relatives, neighbors, etc., to do the same. The message: STOP THE TEA PARTY from taking over Virginia on November 8! It's as simple as that. |