Video: Mike Signer, Brian Moran, Terry McAuliffe Speak at Arlington Young Dem's
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Last night at the Arlington Young Democrats meeting in Ballston, three former statewide candidates for the Democrats - Mike Signer, Brian Moran and Terry McAuliffe - gave GOTV ("get out the vote") pep talks less than 2 weeks before mid-term elections (and prior to the dozens of AYD's taking to the phone banks). The appearance together by Signer, Moran and McAuliffe also was noteworthy in that all three had been mentioned as contenders to succeed Dick Cranwell as chair of the Democratic Party of Virginia. With the quasi-"unity rally" last night, it now appears that Mark Warner's pick for DPVA chair, Brian Moran, will not be seriously opposed for the position. We'll see. Anyway, here's some video from last night, in order of appearance. Introducing the speakers is AYDs president Gordon Simonett. Enjoy.
P.S. I'd also say that it's looking more likely Brian Moran will not be a statewide candidate in 2013.
The purpose of Blue Virginia is to cover Virginia politics from a progressive and Democratic perspective. This is a group blog, founded by me (Lowell Feld), but now including several other progressive writers. I can't speak for the other "front pagers," but I consider myself a progressive in the tradition of Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, JFK, RFK and actually a bunch of progressive Republicans (e.g., Jacob Javits, Lowell Weicker). As such, I believe in expanding opportunities to all, utilizing government as a tool to promote the general welfare and the common good, protecting the environment for ourselves and for future generations, and expanding the rights promised in our Constitution and Bill of Rights to all Americans.
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